
Technology Demonstration of “Fly by Wireless” Solutions for Aerospace Vehicles- through CANEUS Consortia Projects

Enhanced reliability and performance of next generation aerospace vehicles and engines while reducing cost through emerging wireless technologies

The CANEUS “Fly-by-Wireless” (FBW) Consortium is chartered with creating and sustaining the entire “ecosystem” for wireless technologies to enable next generation of civilian and military aircrafts and spacecraft with advanced capabilities. It includes all the primary industry stakeholders, namely new technology developers, system integrators, and aerospace end-users.

Since its inception in 2006 as a CANEUS-NASA partnership, the CANEUS “Fly-by-Wireless” Consortium has established a collaborative environment wherein resources from partner organizations are pooled to focus on high-risk, high-cost initiatives aimed at accelerating the infusion of emerging wireless technologies into aerospace applications.

Beginning with a strong participation by worldwide end-users, the Consortium proposes to establish a robust supply chain to sustain the entire technology development pipeline. From the FBW Workshops held between 2007 and 2011, following “Focus Areas” and related technology projects have been identified with a goal to minimize internal investment required to mature new architectures and enabling technologies. Spin-off applications into other market sectors such as the petroleum and chemical industries; rail transportation, automotive and biomedical sectors will also be actively pursued.

FBW Consortia Focus Areas

  • System Engineering and Integration to reduce cables and connectors in aircraft and spacecraft
  • Modular and accessible wireless architecture
  • International Spectrum usage for use of On-board Wireless

    Proposed Projects

    Project 1: Development of Fly by Wireless Evaluation Test bed (Prototype Wireless System)


    The Fly-By-Wireless test bed project proposes to investigate, and device methods to analyze current and future technologies, that will benefit the Aerospace industry worldwide for applications ranging from SHM, Aviation RF Communication Spectrum, Wireless Simulators, Wireless Engine and UAV applications

    Project 2: Development Wireless Structural Health Monitoring (Wi-SHM) Platform


    The wireless SHM platform will be used for testing of various wireless sensors, communication standards for aerospace applications, test results of different standards, and functional test results for all possible structural health monitoring applications. Moreover, it would help in reducing power consumption, mass, size and increasing total flexibility.

    Project 3: Development of Wireless Engine Monitoring (Wi-Engine) Platform


    The project aims to replace the bulky wiring harness and sensors currently used for engine monitoring with a wireless system for the next generation of engines that would increase both efficiency and reliability and promote real time monitoring.

    Project 4: Development of Fly by Wireless Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Wi-UAV) Platform


    The project aims to reduce weight and volume of energy used within a UAV to increase manoeuvrability without output degradation through development of lightweight miniature robust integrated avionics and sensors.

    Project 5: Development of Passive Wireless Sensor-Tag System


    The project aims to demonstrate and advance the passive wireless sensors technology for high temperature and other harsh environment conditions that would increase performance and offer enhanced capabilities. Apart from the aerospace sector it is on the way to play an integral role in the oil and gas sector as well.

    Proposed Projects

    The customers / end users : e.g. Commercial Airlines, Space Agencies, Aircraft / Spacecraft manufacturers,

    Systems integrators : e.g. Bombardier, Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney, Gulfstream, BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, DLR. EADS, Honeywell

    Technology providers : e.g. Sensor developers, Data acquisition hardware and software, Universities, Research laboratories

    Test and Demonstration: National Research Council, Sandia Lab, NASA Labs

    Project Development and Implementation Process


    Benefits of Participation in the Consortia Project(s):

    Apart from getting access to versatile technologies members could be assured of the below give benefits as well

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